Monday, January 27, 2020
Glacial Trimlines and Nunataks in Assynt Region of Scotland
Glacial Trimlines and Nunataks in Assynt Region of Scotland Title To what extent are glacial trimlines and nunataks present in the Assynt region of North West Scotland and how does this affect features above and below the boundary? or To what extent is a glacial trimline present in the Assynt region of North West Scotland and how does it affect features above and below the proposed boundary? Abstract The Assynt region of North West Scotland, north of the town of Ullapool, is located on The Moine Thrust belt, which stretches from Lock Eriboll on the north coast to the Isle of Skye, approximately 120 miles south. This marks the point where the old Moine schist rock, around 1,000Ma, thrust over younger rocks, creating an unconformity between the Moine schist and the Durness limestone, which was metamorphosed and altered below the thrust, from 500Ma. The area is rich in Quaternary geology, providing evidence of direct ice action and periglacial features not directly linked to ice flow. These Quaternary features are split by a theoretical thermal boundary called a glacial trimline, supposedly representing the highest vertical extent of the glacier, with periglacial features lying above the boundary and ice flow erosional features below. These features will be studied in order to provide evidence for the trimline, with the measurement of rock hardness around the area providing the best information. Background Geology The oldest rocks present, gneisses of the Lewisian complex, of Archaean age, have undergone three major periods of deformation, the first of these being the Badcallian event, where dominant foliation was produced, followed by the second period of deformation called the Inverian event. The Scourie dykes, a suite of dykes, intruded the Lewisian complex before being deformed during the third period of deformation, named the Laxfordian event, dated around 1.7Ga. The Lewisian complex can be divided into the Rhiconich, Assynt, Gruinard and Southern Terranes. The boundary between the Assynt and Gruinard terranes lies along the Canisp Shear Zone. Both hold different tectonic histories, but were combined by the Palaeoproterozoic, around 2.4Ga, evident from the intrusion of the Scourie Dykes. (Trewin, N.H, 2003) The Archaean Lewisian rocks are then unconformably overlain by the Torridon group of red sandstones and conglomerates, deposited in fluiviatile and lacustrine environments, dated approximately between 1.2Ga to 1Ga in the Proterzoic. These red sandstones were introduced by rivers and buried under old hills and mountains. The Torridon sandstones, tilted, eroded and overlaid the previous Stoer group around 1Ga. ( After a subsequent period of uplift and non-deposition, the region was transgressed and marine Cambrian quartz arenites unconfomormably overlaid the Torridon and Lewisian groups. These quartz arenites differ from the Torridon sandstones, particularly in their white colour and via the presence of vertical burrows from ichnogenera Skolithos and Monocraterion, highlighting the early Cambrian as the upper age bound. (K.M. Goodenough et al, 2009) The Fucoid Member, a thin detailed unit of brown weathered siltstones, overlies the quartzites. (Trewin, N.H, 2003) This in turn is followed by the Salterella Grit member, a very thin layer of quartzites, which overlies the fucoid member, all of which are dated as early Cambrian in age. Comformably overlying the clastic unites is the Durness group of carbonates, the youngest sediments in the region, which range in age from early Cambrian to early Ordovician, around 542-475 Ma. (Trewin, N.H, 2003) Abundant thrusting is present throughout the Assynt region from late Ordoivician to early Silurian times with widespread deformation having occurred. Four thurst sheets are present, the lowest of which, the Moine sheet, containing units allocated to the Moine Supergroup, settled upon the Lewisian complex, deposited around 900Ma. (Krabbendam, M. and Leslie, A. G, 2010) The sediments within the Moine supergroup are predominanty shallow marine arkosic sandstones. Major movement along the Moine thurst occurred around 440-430 Ma, recorded via Rb-Sr dating of mylonites, also showing the fine grained platy rock mylonite formation along the thrust. (Freeman, S,R et al, 1998) Quaternary Geology of the area Over the last 2 million years, the landscape of North West Scotland has been dramatically altered by climate change, believed to fit the ââ¬ËMilankovitchââ¬â¢ timescale. Fluctuations of temperature, from periods of warmth to periods of cold and ice have specifically transformed upland areas. The weight of the ice caused the country to be lowered, coupled with lower sea levels due to the capture of water in the ice, before abrupt climate change forced melting of the glaciers and ice sheets. This triggered the release of vast amounts of water, depositing sands and gravels offshore and in river valleys. (Lowe, J. J. and Walker, M. J. C, 1997) Alongside this, sea levels dramatically rose due to the massive increase in water, forming beaches above the sea level, left today as raised beaches. ( The movement of the ice due to gravity under its own weight and its fluid nature caused destruction in its path. Due to its destructive nature, evidence is removed, making timing, extent and individual impacts difficult to record. During the past 30,000 years, there have been three major periods of glaciation, with interglacial periods interspersed, where there was no ice during summer months except in some areas of high latitude and altitude. Shorter periods between glacials are termed interstadials, when warm temperatures present and stadials, where temperatures are relatively cool. Two of these glacial periods had a profound effect on the Assynt region. The first and oldest of these glacial periods, named the Late Glacial Maximum, is dated approximately between 29,000-22,000 years ago. An ice sheet of over 800m in thickness was present, leaving only a small number of nunataks visible. Nunataks are exposed peaks or ridges above the ice sheet, often rocky in nature. The youngest glacial event is the Loch Lomond Stadial, around 13,000 to 11,000 years ago, named after the Loch itself, which formed as a result of glacial movement due to the removal of rocks, dug out by the ice. ( It left moraines, nunataks and outwash terraces in many valleys and some small moraines in corries, with the moraines helping to chart the ice margin retreat. The period was ended due to a rapid increase in climatic temperature, subsequently starting the Holocene. Glacial features are present around the Assynt region which help to chart ice flow direction. These include striations, grooves, crescent gauges and friction cracks to name a few, each of these mostly on a small scale and therefore easily recordable. They are found most commonly on the Cambrian quartzite and the pipe rock; however, small numbers have been mapped on Torridon sandstone. Striations are formed by abrasion of loose rocks and pebbles at the base of a glacier, forming scratches in the rock, the direction of the scratch indicating the directional flow of the ice. At times however, they can be confusing due to different glaciers at later dates cross cutting the previously formed striations from a different direction. The striations have to be subsequently studied in detail to determine which period of ice movement came first. Gauges, in the form of crescent moon shapes, form when boulders within an ice sheet or glacier are pressed against the bedrock. These boulders rotate sl ightly as the ice sheet or glacier moves, dragging them simultaneously with the rotation, causing crescent shaped indents in the bedrock. Gauges are useful for determining flow direction, as the flow of ice often points in the same direction as the gauge. Gauges can often be easily confused with friction cracks if they have been altered by weathering; however, gauges are normally greater in size. Friction cracks are formed due to an increase in friction between the ice sheet and bedrock below it, with boulders and pebbles bouncing off the bedrock, meaning pressure is not continuous. In terms of ice flow direction, they point in the opposite way to the gauges. Moraines, another feature of glacial movement, are accumulations of deposited till. Different moraines are formed in different areas passed by the glacier. Terminal moraines form at the terminus, or end of the furthest point reached by the ice, whereas lateral moraines form at each side of the glacier and medial moraines are formed at the intersection between two glaciers. The deposition of the till can happen in three different areas of the glacier, with subglacial at the bottom of the glacier, marginal deposition on the margins of the ice, and supraglacial sitting on the surface of the ice sheet. Fluvial action can subsequently rework the deposited till and moraines, mutating their characteristics and morphology. Till fabrics can also be studied in order to provide evidence of glaciation. Tills are deposited at different areas of the ice flow, with the position of these and the orientation of the clasts helping to map the direction of ice flow in the area. Periglacial landforms are also present in the region, categorized as areas that form adjacent to glacial terrain or in areas of close similarity and that hypothetically form above the proposed trimline, where freeze thaw weathering often occurs. Patterned ground features are some of the most common structures found, including stripes, nets, circles, polygons and steps, each formed either by sorting or non-sorting of sediment. Nets and stripes are the two most common of these features found in the Assynt region. Nets are found between polygons and circles, with small scale earth hummocks with a core of mineral soil being a common unsorted net. Stripes form on steep slopes, with sorted stripes comprising of alternate stripes of fine and coarse material and are particularly prominent under conditions of permafrost. (Washburn, A.L, 1979) It is believed that both are formed by repeated freeze thaw weathering on sloped ground. Blockfields are one of these features, predominantly found on m ountain plateaus in unglaciated areas, helping to provide evidence of the trimline. They form as a result of freeze thaw weathering, where rocks are shattered in situ and jointed, both vertically and horizontally. They are often made up of shattered quartzite. Solifluction is another feature of periglacial weathering, involving the mass wasting from freeze thaw cycles. Silty and sandy soils are common in solifluction, with the process forming lobes, terraces, stripes and hummocks. Aim Trimlines The aim of the project is to discover the existence of a glacial trimline, which marks the highest point of the most recent glacier or ice sheet. However, it is apparent that in some areas, unmodified periglacial terrain survived glacial maxima under cold based ice and in these scenarios, the trimline represents a thermal boundary between cold based ice and warm based ice. (Elias, S.A, 2006). Other hypothesis include a timeline cut by glacial readvance during ice-sheet downwastage, or the trimline forming during initial ice-sheet downwastage under periglacial conditions. ((Goudie, A.S, 2003) The sharpness of this boundary relied upon the effectiveness and intensity of glacial erosion, the degree of frost weathering after its formation and the downslope mass movement during and after deglaciation. (Goudie, A.S, 2003) Schmidt hammer measurements, detailing hardness, the roughness of the rocks present around the proposed boundary and measurements of differential relief are amongst some of the ways in which these hypotheses have been tested. Studies in other areas, such as the Gap of Dunloe, Ireland, using these measuring techniques, have shown that periglacial trimlines mark the upper limit of a body of ice. (Rae, A.C, Harrison, S et al, 2004). Similar results are expected to be seen in the Assynt region. What we need For the project to be successful and for our research to be undertaken, a number of items will be necessary. Field maps will be vital in order to navigate to proposed sites, whilst also allowing outcrops and features to be marked. These maps will range in scale from large maps of the whole area, at a 1:10000 scale to small more precise maps for more detailed study and navigation. To study our hypothesis of glacial trimlines, Schmidt hammers will be needed in order to measure the hardness of the rocks, where the rocks should be softer above the boundary. A GPS system will also be necessary, equipped with an altitude reader, allowing site positioning to be recorded precisely, for revisits for further study. The size of certain facies and outcrops will need to be measured accurately, so a long tape measure will be needed. A compass clinometer will be necessary for measuring strike and dip of glacial features such as striations and to ascertain the direction that certain features face, a llowing ice flow direction to be understood. A geological hammer would also be a useful addition to the study, allowing segments of rocks unaltered by moss and weather conditions to be studied. Coupled with this will be a hand lens and grainsize charts, allowing the rocks to be studied in precise detail. Due to the nature of our study, in regards to finding the thermal trimline boundary, a large number of mountain peaks will have to be scaled, so warm and weatherproof clothes will be needed according to weather conditions. The Schmidt hammer, GPS, compass clinometer and tape measure will be borrowed from the university geology department, where the maps needed will also be highlighted and printed. Methodologies To test the hypothesis of the existence of a glacial trimline, Schmidt hammer measurements will have to be taken around the peaks of mountains. The Schmidt hammer is a portable instrument, which measures the distance of rebound when pressed against the outcrop using a spring. This measures the hardness of the rocks, allowing a difference to be seen in the rocks above and below the boundary. The rocks above at or above the boundary should be softer as they have been affected by periglacial weathering. (Rae, A.C, Harrison, S et al, 2004) A number of readings, between 20 and 30, will be taken over a transect of an outcrop, allowing an average to be recorded. This method will be repeated at a number of different outcrops on a number of different mountain peaks, eventually showing the parameters of the trimline. The Schmidt hammer data will later be recorded in graphs and tables, noting where the hardness of the rocks changed dramatically. Ice flow features will be present in large quantities below the trimline. These include striations, grooves, crescent gauges and friction cracks. A range of these measurements, approximately 20-30 will be taken of each feature over a number of outcrops in order to gain an average and to ascertain from the results an ice flow direction. These will be measured using rulers to ascertain the size of the feature, whilst a compass clinometer will be used to measure their strike and dip and the overall distance it faces. These features can be drawn onto rose diagrams, clearly and concisely showing the flow direction of the ice. Till fabric analysis, in the form of a sedimentary sequence and log, will be performed in a systematic fashion, rather than being determined by natural geology and morphology like the methods highlighted above. This will be done over a chosen exposure, where it will be carefully logged by choosing clasts one by one on a transect across the exposure, measuring their dip direction and roundness, before noting their rock type. This will be repeated at a number of different heights, before converting the figures recorded during the day into a sedimentary sequence and stereonet diagrams. References Andrews, J.T. Techniques of Till Fabric Analysis. Technical Bulleting No. 6, British Geomorphological Research Group, pp 43, 1971 Ballantyne, C.K Harris, C, The Periglaciation of Great Britain, Cambridge University press, 1995 Bradwell, T Krabbendam, K, Lateral plucking as a mechanism for elongate erosional glacial bedforms: explaining megagrooves in Britain and Canada, British Geologic society, 2011 Elias, S.A, Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Elsevier Science Ltd, 2006 Fabel, D, Ballantyne, C.K Xu, S, Trimlines, blockfields, mountain-top erratics and the vertical dimensions of the last British Ice sheet in NW Scotland, Quaternary Science reviews, Vol 55, pp 91-102, 2012 FREEMAN, S. R., BUTLER, R. W. H., CLIFF, R. A. and REX, D. C. ââ¬ËDirect dating of mylonite evolution: a multi-disciplinary geochronological study from the Moine Thrust Zone, NW Scotlandââ¬â¢,Journal of the Geological Society, 155(5), pp. 745ââ¬â758, (1998) Goudie, A, The encyclopaedia of geomorphology, Routledge, 2003 Harris jr, S.E, Friction cracks and the direction of glacial movement, The Journal of Geology, vol 51, no. 4, 1943 Krabbendam, M. and Leslie, A. G. ââ¬ËLateral variations and linkages in thrust geometry: the Traligill Transverse Zone, Assynt Culmination, Moine Thrust Belt, NW Scotlandââ¬â¢,Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 335(1), pp. 335ââ¬â357, 2010 K.M. Goodenough et al, Digital surface models and the landscape: Interaction between Bedrock and Glacial geology in the Ullapool area, British Geological Society, 2009 Lawson, T.J, Former ice movement in Assynt, Sutherland, as shown by the distribution of glacial erratics, Scottish Journal of Geology 26, 1990 Lawson, T.J, Glacial striae and former ice movement: the evidence from Assynt, Sutherland, Scottish Journal of Geology 32, 1996 Lowe, J. J. and Walker, M. J. C.Reconstructing Quaternary environments. 2nd edn. United Kingdom: Prentice-Hall, 1997 Mendum, J.R et al, Lewisian, Torridonian and Moine Rocks of Scotland, GCR Volume No. 34, 2009 McCarroll, D., Ballantyne, C. K., Nesie, A. Dahl, S.-O. 1995. Nunataks of the last ice sheet in northwest Scotland. Boreas, 24:305ââ¬â323. Stoker, M. Bradwell, T. 2005 The Minch palaeo-ice stream, NW sector of the British-Irish Ice Sheet. Journal of the Geological Society, 162 (3). 425-428. Trewin, N. H.The Geology of Scotland. 4th edn. United Kingdom: Geological Society Publishing House. 2003 University of Birmingham field guide ââ¬â Assynt field course Washburn, A.L, Geocryology, Edward Arnold, London, pp 122-156, 1979
Sunday, January 19, 2020
What is postmodernism?
Modernity and postmodernism are terms used to describe different eras in the development of human societies. It is different from most sociological perspectives in that it has no over arching theory. Some think that western societies have moved from an era of modernity to post modernity, but others do not agree. The debate between modernity and postmodernism tends to be about to what extent society has changed, and so which theoretical approach is the most appropriate. Modernism began as a way of describing the ideas that emerged during the decline of medieval society. There were three main elements modernism, economic, political and cultural. Modernist thinking supports the idea that the purpose of learning is to better the human condition. Postmodernism opposes each of the assumptions of modernism. They say there is no such thing as valid or invalid knowledge, they see knowledge as a form of control rather then liberation and that grand theories are inadmissible. Postmodernism began to have a significant effect on sociology in the 1980's. Most postmodernists believe that conventional approaches are no longer relevant to sociology, and must be discarded, approaches such as Marxism, functionalism and feminism they claim, were useful in explaining how society operated in previous eras but are no longer relevant to today's society. Modern theorists such as Durkhiem and Weber claim to be able to provide a comprehensive and definitive theory of society. Post modernists claim that this is not possible. Postmodernists claim that enlightenment has been abandoned in contemporary society. They claim people no longer believe in the inevitability of progress and the capacity of science to explain all. People are more pessimistic and no longer believe that grand theories such as Marxism and functionalism are able to explain society. There is now a much wider set of beliefs. French postmodernist writer Jean-Francois Lyotard argues that post-industrial society and so post-modern culture began to develop at the end to of the 1950's, although the rate of development varies between countries. Lyotard agrees that the advance of postmodernism undermines metanarratives of social progress, and people no longer believe that reason can conquer superstition. Lyotard's explanation of how postmodernism has come about is somewhat vague, although he seems to attribute most importance to technology. He believes postmodernism rest upon the ââ¬Å"miniaturisation and commercialisationâ⬠of machines. Computer technology has become the principal force of production. He claims that post-modern society is founded on the production and exchange of knowledge and predicts that future wars will be about the control of knowledge as opposed to territorial disputes. It has been suggested that Lyotard's theory sounds very similar to a Marxist criticism of capitalism, but postmodernism offers the possibility of tolerance, in which humans are not all corrupted by metanarratives. However critics have pointed out that wile Lyotard repeatedly critic's metanarratives in his theory he himself has huge generalisations about the direction of human development. He also provides little evidence to support his theory. Marxist critic Terry Eagelton has pointed out that Lyotard's key concept in the development in human society is technical language, and he says this is nothing more than a justification for capitalism and the pursuit of profit regardless of human consequence. Jean Baudrillard is also regarded as a post-modern theorist. Like Lyotard he sees societies as having entered a new and distinctive phase. Unlike Lyotard, and indeed most postmodernists he is rather pessimistic about the outcome of these changes. Baudrillard argues that society is no longer based production and economic forces involving material goods (in direct contradiction of Marxism). He says they have been replaced by the buying and selling of signs and images, which have no relation to material reality. To him society is based upon production and exchange of free-floating images that have little or no connection to what they actually represent. Baudrillard differs from Lyotard in that he sees humans as trapped in a type of powerless uniformity and not being liberated by diversity. He too is vague in explaining how exactly postmodernism has come about. Unlike Lyotard he attaches significance to the television and mass media as an important factor. Critics have argued however that Baudrillards writing is very abstract. It offers examples to illustrate arguments and no systematic evidence. It has been suggested that Baudrillard was so immersed in his theory that to some extent he lost his grip on reality, as in later work he went on to suggest that the gulf war did not exist, but was just a series of images produced by the media, with no evidence that they were real. One of the most inflection sociologists to reject the claims of postmodernism is Anthony Giddens. He does not accept that enlightenment thinking must be abandoned and that metanarratives no longer have a place. He believes postmodernity may develop in the future but unlike sociologist such as David Harvey he does not accept that we have entered an era of post modernity. He does however think that significant changes have taken place within modernity and claims that we are in a period of late modernity. He says that when we move into an era of post modernity there will be four main institutional structures present in society. These are, multi-layered democratic participation, demilitarisation, and humanisation of technology, post scarcity system. He does admit that his idea of a post modern society is a rather idyllic one, as it is hard to imagine richer countries sharing their wealth with poorer countries for example, but is willing to except it may happen in the future. His theory is backed up only by occasional example rather than systematic evidence, however it remains the main opposition to post modernism theories. The main criticism of postmodernism is that it is paradoxical. How can you have a general theory that argues that general theories are no longer relevant? However many consider postmodernism to be an important area of sociology even if they do not believe society has yet reached that stage in development.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Caledonia Products
Caledonia Products Integrative Problem 1. Why should Caledonia focus on project free cash flows as opposed to the accounting profits earned by the project when analyzing whether to undertake the project? Free cash flows are being focused on because it the amount that Caledonia will receive and they will be able to reinvest that amount. Caledonia should analyze the free cash flow so that they are able to see the real amount of value or what the cost may be. The marginal value from the project would be in the incremental cash flow. The earnings would be much less if they were looking at it through the accounting profits.It would be less because of the depreciation would be considered an expense causing a larger expense for Caledonia. Describe factors Caledonia must consider if it were to lease versus buy First Caledonia must figure out if they will have enough cash flow to pay the bill each month. Leasing would give Caledonia the benefit of decreasing costs. The down side of leasing wo uld mean that Caledonia will not be out of the lease until it has been paid off and the company who leased the property will be the owners until that is completed.Buying property means that the item is usually in better condition, better value, and they will own it. Prices are often better when buying than with leasing. Tax expenses may be a downside of owning the property. 2. Incremental Cash Flow Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Operating Cash Flow 5,949,200 9,909,200 11,493,200 6,741,200 3,771,200 Each year results in positive incremental cash flow and the new project appears to be a profitable business option.Accounting profits represent the total cost of doing business. The difference would be that this company requires additional net working capital every year which is not reflected in the incremental costs. 3. Initial Outlay Year 0 New Product Cost of new plant and equipment$(7,900,000) Shipping and installation costs (100,000) Total costs$(8,000,000) Initial working capital $(1 00,000) Initial cash flow (8,100,000) 4. Free Cash FlowYear0 Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year 5 Project Revenues $21,000,000 $36,000,000 $42,000,000 $24,000,000 $15,600,000 Unit Costs (12,600,000) (21,600,000) (25,200,000) (14,400,000) (10,800,000) Gross Profit 8,400,000 14,400,000 16,800,000 9,600,000 4,800,000 Annual fixed costs (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) Depreciation (1,580,000) (1,580,000) (1,580,000) (1,580,000) (1,580,000) Net operating income 6,620,000 12,620,000 15,020,000 7,820,000 3,320,000 Taxes (34%) (2,250,800) (4,290,800) (5,106,800) (2,658,800) (1,128,800) NOPAT 4,369,200 8,329,200 9,913,200 5,161,200 2,191,200 Depreciation 1,580,000 1,580,000 1,580,000 1,580,000 1,580,000 Operating cash flow 5,949,200 9,909,200 11,493,200 6,741,200 3,771,200Year0 Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5 Net Capital $(100,00) (2,100,000) (3,600,000) (4,200,000) (2,400,000) (1,560,000) CAPEX $(8,000,000) ââ¬â ââ¬â- ââ¬â- ââ¬â ââ¬â Free Cash Flow $(8,100,000) 3,849,200 6,309,200 7,293,200 4,341,200 2,211,200 5. 6. 7. Should the project be accepted? Why or why not? Yes. This project should be accepted because the NPV ? 0. and the IRR ? required rate of return. Or No. This project should not be accepted because the NPV < and the IRR < required rate of return.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Sentencing Of The Sentencing Hearing - 863 Words
SENTENCING Once an individual has been found guilty of a crime, sentencing will take place within thirty to sixty days. The sentencing hearing is set far enough in advance that a presentence investigation can be held by the probation department (Aberle, 2014). During the presentencing investigation the probation department will assign members to look at the defendantââ¬â¢s prior criminal history, military history, work history, summary of the charges including mitigating and aggravating circumstances, and statements from the victim or victimââ¬â¢s family (Aberle, 2014). All information is gathered and a report is written providing a recommendation to the judge of what sentence should be imposed. Sentencing can be handled in several different ways including jail time, prison time, probation, fines, or any combination of the aforementioned (Aberle, 2014). Persons convicted of felonies are usually sentenced to serve time in federal prisons and have sentences lasting longer than one year up to and including life. This also includes inmates on death row. When a prisoner is sentenced to prison for more than one crime there are two options for that personââ¬â¢s sentence. Each charge can run concurrent or consecutive. Concurrent sentences run together at the same time, and consecutive sentences run one after the other. An inmate must serve the entire sentence before moving to the next sentence in consecutive sentencing (Aberle, 2014). If a person is convicted of a misdemeanor thereShow MoreRelatedLetter : An Evidentiary Hearing At The Time Of Sentencing1562 Words à |à 7 Pagesgive the court a more full picture, than they can put down in writing, as part of his right to a fair and just sentence. 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